September 10th and 11th 2023, 20:30 CET

Live Musik / Performance @ AckerStadtPalast Berlin

QiQi Zheng – dance, contorsion & performance art (sunday)
Wieland Möller – drumset & performance (monday)

Funded by Musikfonds

Photo: Detox

On two consecutive evenings, DETOX was laundering their first public funding from the Musikfonds – on one evening supported by the performance artist, vogue dancer and contortionist QiQi Zheng, on the other by the drummer and performer Wieland Möller. On an off-stage in Berlin, we tried to wring poetry out of a pile of urban rubbish to constructively network ourselves and our instruments, to publicly search for new forms of co-operation and shared control over the whole. Scraps of a jazz band, singing rubbish bins, a body whose contortions simultaneously point to its entanglement in global dynamics, and express the longing to somehow wriggle out of them. 98% despair, 2% humour.